After a couple of hard days on the road where we had an alternator failure that overloaded the battery and stopped us from visiting 2 high schools and then today a broken wheel bearing causing the left hand rear wheel with axle still attached to be seen over taking the car on the way to the second High School for the day it is nice to report that Andrew is safe and the replica although incurring some damage to the rear guard is in reasonable condition. Jesus Racing supplier Australian Transmission Components are based in Wagga Wagga and are doing their best to sort a range of issues out in order to get the car back on the road and have been kind enough to lend Andrew a car to get to the two bookings for tomorrow.
Praying that they can get the car back on the road so Andrew can head back home tomorrow night.
CAST YOUR VOTE The Touring Car Masters Facebook page is holding a competition as to the favourite car in the series. If you want the Jesus Car to win then you need to get on line and Vote and share the link with all your friends as well…..to make your vote count you must go to the Touring Car Masters Facebook page and click on the ❤️ symbol…… go Jesus Racing!


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